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Technology Lab

Welcome to Ann Parish's Technology Lab!


 Online Safety Tips
  • Discuss responsible online behavior.  Establish rules for appropriate instant messaging and chatting online and explain that you're using those rules because you care about their safety. You may want to involve an older sibling who can model good online behavior and can stay involved in their younger siblings' online lives.
  • Establish rules for who's okay to talk to.  Online talk should generally be with people your children know, like family and friends.
  • Set boundaries for what topics are okay to discuss.  Kids shouldn't answer questions online that make them feel uncomfortable.  they also shouldn't talk about adult topics to strangers.
  • Make sure your child feels safe telling a trusted adult. If something creepy or inappropriate happens online, kids need to know they won't get in trouble if they tell an adult they trust.  Also, avoid banning them from the computer.  Kids are less likely to tell parents whey they experience a problem on the computer if they think as a result they won't be allowed to use it.
  • Remind your kids not to give strangers private information.  Kids should never give out their name, address, school, phone number, email, pictures or anthing that could identify who they are.
  • Block, ignore or leave.  Most kids know to brush off unwanted contact. Encourage this behavior.
  • Look for warning signs.  Does your child seem withdrawn, emotionally distant, spend endless hours online, or seem to be hiding something?  The kids who get sucked into into inappropriate online relationships often show warning signs.  They might be hiding an online relationship they don't want you to know about.  If you think this might be happening, ask your child about it!
Remember the following:
  • Keep detailed personal information about yourself or others off the device. Always be mindful not to share personal information online.
  • Keep all account passwords to yourself. You are responsible for your individual accounts. Take all reasonable precautions to prevent others from being able to use them.
  • Do not loan your device to anyone else.
  • Notify a teacher immediately if you suspect there is a problem with your device.
  • To prevent loss or damage to your device, NEVER leave it unattended in an unsecured area.
  • Apply the Golden Rule - if you do not want it done to you, do not do it to someone else.
  • Choose wisely as not all content or language is appropriate.