Regular Schedule
The school day begins at 9:10 AM and ends at 3:40 PM. Students should not be dropped off before 8:45 AM. Students riding the bus are expected to board buses immediately following the dismissal bell. Students are not allowed to wait for parents outside the building without supervision. School personnel are not responsible for “child care” before or after school hours. Local authorities will be contacted if students are not picked up by parents/guardians within an hour after dismissal.
On early release days, students are released at 1:00 PM.
Abbreviated Schedule
In the event of inclement weather, Los Lunas Schools will operate on an abbreviated day basis. The start time of each school will be two hours later than usual; dismissal time will remain the same for all schools. The school day will begin at 11:05 AM. Students should not be dropped off before 10:50 AM. Breakfast will not be served.
When weather or road conditions affect the Meadow Lake area more severely than the rest of the district, Meadow Lake buses may be the only ones delayed or cancelled.
Major television stations, district web page and School Messenger phone system will notify parent/guardians of schedule changes. The School Messenger phone system will notify all guardians by phone with the phone numbers provided on their student’s emergency cards.