Student Handbook
Welcome to Ann Parish Elementary School!
The Ann Parish Elementary Mission is to empower high levels of learning for all.
At Ann Parish Elementary, we will work collaboratively to achieve the greatest success for all.
Apple*y Pursing Excellence
Student Handbook
- Enrollment
- Schedule
- Bus Transportation
- School Discipline Plan
- Selling
- Telephones/Cell Phones/Electronic Devices
- Miscellaneous Items
- Bullying
- Weapons
- Severe Clause
- Parent/Guardian Grievance Procedure
- Parent/Guardian Grievance Procedure
- Drop off/Pick up Procedures
- Classroom Assignments
- Open House/Meet & Greet
- Parent /Teacher Conferences
- Student Progress/Report Cards
- Volunteers
- Non-Instructional Items/Snacks
- Health Services
- Immunization Requirements
- Vision and Hearing Screening
- Counseling Services
- Dress Code
- Response to Intervention
- Student Assistance Team
- Site Safety Procedures
- iPad, Textbooks, Library Books and other Equipment
- Lost and Found
- Field Trips
- Cafeteria
- Student Safety
- Classroom Safety/Rules
- Parents Right to Know
Enrollment Policies
Parents/Guardians of students enrolling at Ann Parish Elementary or any school in the Los Lunas District need to provide the following:
-Official Birth Certificate (not a copy)
-Current Immunization Records
-Proof of Residency (mortgage coupon, Notarized lease or a PNM bill)
Hospital certificates or baptismal records are not acceptable as a birth certificate. Students entering Kindergarten must be Five (5) years of age before 12:01 AM on September 1 of the year they are entering school.
Online Student Registration must be completed for all students attending Los Lunas Schools. More information can be found at Parent/guardians are to provide at least two additional adults to be notified in case of emergency. Students will not be released to anyone other than those individuals named on the form.
Regular Schedule
The school day begins at 9:05 AM and ends at 3:35 PM. Students should not be dropped off before 8:45 AM. Students riding the bus are expected to board buses immediately following the dismissal bell. Students are not allowed to wait for parents outside the building without supervision. School personnel are not responsible for “child care” before or after school hours. Local authorities will be contacted if students are not picked up by parents/guardians within an hour after dismissal.
On early release days, students are released at 1:00 PM.
Abbreviated Schedule
In the event of inclement weather, Los Lunas Schools will operate on an abbreviated day basis. The start time of each school will be two hours later than usual; dismissal time will remain the same for all schools. The school day will begin at 11:05 AM. Students should not be dropped off before 10:50 AM. Breakfast will not be served.
When weather or road conditions affect the Meadow Lake area more severely than the rest of the district, Meadow Lake buses may be the only ones delayed or cancelled.
Major television stations, district web page and School Messenger phone system will notify parent/guardians of schedule changes. The School Messenger phone system will notify all guardians by phone with the phone numbers provided on their student’s emergency cards.
Bus Transportation
Bus Transportation
Student transportation is a privilege extended to students who qualify for transportation according to statues 22-16-2 NMSA 1978 Compilation. Discipline at the bus stop is the responsibility of each parent. If there is a problem at the bus stop, the parent shall notify the school or the transportation office (505) 866-2147 to report their concern.
Students who do not obey the state and local regulations governing student transportation may have their transportation privileges revoked by the school district. The transportation department has a handbook outlining safety rules for riding buses. Parents/guardians are asked to carefully review rules with their child.
School Discipline Plan
School Discipline Plan
The Los Lunas Schools Discipline Handbook establishes expectations for all students and is accessible on the LLS Safety & Security website ( All revisions, corrections, or additions will be posted regularly on the website. This document will be considered current and takes precedent over any and all previously printed handbook editions. It is the reader’s responsibility to refer to the document on the website for updates and new information. All schools follow the approved guidelines for discipline outlined in the Los Lunas School District Discipline Handbook.
We follow the High Five Pledge in making personal decisions:
Be Safe
Be Responsible
Be Respectful
Follow Directions
Always Do Your Best
Students who choose to disregard a school or classroom rule must be prepared to accept the consequences for their action. Each classroom teacher will provide parents with classroom norms and expectations.
Hot Slips
If a student receives a verbal warning for disregarding a school rule and does not immediately correct the action, staff may issue the student a HOT SLIP. A Hot Slip may also be issued immediately, without verbal warning, based on the severity of the infraction. The Hot Slip describing the student’s actions will be given to the student’s teacher to be sent home to the parents. The teacher will determine if further consequences are necessary. Staff must call parents when sending home a hot slip. Parents are asked to sign the Hot Slip and return it to the teacher the next school day.
When a student has received three (3) hot slips, the teacher will submit all three (3) hot slips to the principal for further handling. The teacher will document what has occurred and provide information regarding the steps that have been taken to assist the student. The Administrator will meet with the student and contact the parents to arrange a conference, in-school suspension, or other discipline if necessary.
Telephones/Cell Phones/Electronic Devices
Students are NOT allowed to use the office telephone except in emergencies. For the safety of students, the office will not call students out of class for phone calls or pass messages to them.
Cell Phones/Electronic Devices
Using cell phones, SMART watches or other electronic devices during school hours to call, receive calls, send or receive messages, take photographs or use in any other manner is not allowed. If a student brings a cell phone or other electronic device to school it must be turned off and kept in their backpack.
Students caught with a cell phone or electronic device out will have it confiscated and the device will immediately be secured in the office.
1st time will result in student losing phone until the end of the school day when the student may retrieve the phone from the office at the end of the school day.
2nd time will result in student losing phone until parent can come to retrieve it.
3rd time will result in students losing phone until the end of the school year and parent will meet with principal.
Unauthorized use of a mobile phone or electronic device by a student is a violation and will result in an immediate consequence or consequences depending on the severity of the situation. Any use of social media or unauthorized internet applications are not allowed and immediate consequences up to short- term suspension/long-term suspension depending on the severity of what is done on the device. Note: The above are suggested consequences. The administrator may intervene differently if warranted.
Miscellaneous Items
Miscellaneous Items
School Board Policy:
“It shall be the policy of the School District to maintain and enforce ‘Smoke-Free Schools’.” Ann Parish Elementary shall include cigarettes of any kind. (Electronic cigarettes or e-cigs are included). Immediate consequences will follow any infraction regarding smoking.
Bullying behavior by any student in Los Lunas Schools is strictly prohibited and may result in disciplinary action, including suspension and/or expulsion from school. “Bullying” means any repeated and pervasive written, verbal or electronic expression, physical act or gesture, or a pattern thereof, that is intended to cause distress upon one or more students in the school, on school grounds, in school vehicles, at a designated bus stop, or at school activities or sanctioned events.
Bullying includes, but not limited to, hazing, harassment, intimidation or menacing acts of a student which may, but need not be based on race, color, sex, ethnicity, national origin, religion, disability, age or sexual orientation that a reasonable person under the circumstances should know will have the effect of:
-Placing a student in reasonable fear of physical harm/damage to student’s property; or
-Physically harming a student or damaging a student’s property; or
-Insulting or demeaning any student or group of students in such a way as to disrupt or interfere with the school’s educational mission or education of any student.
Students and parents may file verbal or written complaints concerning suspected bullying behavior to school staff and administrators. Any report of suspected bullying behavior will be promptly reviewed. If acts of bullying are verified, prompt disciplinary action may be taken against the perpetrator, up to and including suspension and/or expulsion.
This policy is enacted to implement the requirements of the federal Gun Free Schools Act of 1994, 20 U.S.C., 8921 and NMSA 1978, 22-5-4-7. It is the intent of the School Board that it be interpreted broadly to conform to these provisions of law. This District’s policy relating to weapons on school property can be read in full in the LLS Student Behavior Handbook on
Severe Clause
Parent/Guardian Grievance Procedure
Parent/Guardian Grievance Procedure
The primary purpose of this policy is to provide for the prompt and equitable resolution of parent/guardian complaints as close to the source of the complaint as possible. Therefore, parents/guardians should address the issue or complaint at the level where the issue arose, i.e., the teacher, coach, etc. If the complaint is not resolved, only then should the complaint proceed to the assistant principal, the principal, the assistant superintendent, the superintendent. A complaint form is available online at
Parent/Guardian Grievance Procedure
Vehicles are to observe the 15 MPH speed limit on school ground. Parking for parents visiting the school is on the east side.
Only authorized vehicles with a handicap placard are allowed to park in the marked handicapped areas. Vehicles are not allowed to park in the fire zone areas, pick up areas or the bus loading areas. Buses load/unload in the south parking lot. Buses unload before school between 9:05 AM and 9:15 AM and after school load at 3:35 PM. On early release, they load at 1:00 PM.
Drop off/Pick up Procedures
Drop off/Pick up Procedures
Students may be dropped off before school or picked up after school in the designated driving lane in the front of the school. For safety, parents are NOT allowed to drop off or pick up a student unless duty staff is present at a gate. All students are to remain in their vehicle in the morning until a duty staff arrives. There is no walk up drop off or walk up pick up allowed. You must have your pickup card displayed in your window to pick your child up. If you do not have a card, you will be asked to park and go into the office to get one.
Classroom Assignments
Classroom Assignments
Classroom assignments are available by August 1st of each school year. Information is gathered from parents and staff related to the learning style s and needs of each student. The principal works with teachers to develop balanced classrooms that best meet the educational needs of students. Class lists reflect a balance of boys and girls, a broad range of achievement levels and an ethnic balance that is representative of the student population.
Any changes to classroom assignments can be made after 4 weeks and are at the discretion of the principal.
Open House/Meet & Greet
Parent /Teacher Conferences
Parent /Teacher Conferences
Los Lunas School District designates conference days to help build parent/teacher communication and to report on students’ progress. Ann Parish Elementary is a Title I school and parent participation is required. Parents and school personnel are encouraged to schedule additional conferences during the school year. Conferences are a good way to keep the lines of communication open between home and school. Please arrange an appointment for a conference with your child’s teacher. Student dismissal is at 1:00 pm during parent/teacher conferences.
Student Progress/Report Cards
Student Progress/Report Cards
- The following ratings are issued for student responsibility: (-) Rarely, (/) Some of the time, (+) Most of the time (!) Always.
- The following ratings are issued for reading, oral/written language and math: (5) Distinguished, (4) Strong Command, (3) Moderate Command, (2) Partial Command, (1) Minimal Command.
- The following ratings are issued for Science, Social Studies, Music, Art and Physical Education: (-) Below expectations, (/) Progressing, (+) Meets Expectations, (!) Exceeds Expectations.
- ALL Pre K – 6th grade students will be issued progress reports at the mid-point of each grading period.
Volunteers bring talent and knowledge to the classroom. Volunteer times are to be arranged with the classroom teacher in advance. Volunteers who come on a regular basis will be required to follow Board Policy 5.31 (Volunteer Policy) requiring parents, family members, community helpers, etc. to undergo criminal background check at their own expense. When volunteering we ask that you follow a few guidelines:- Volunteer times are arranged in advance with the classroom teacher.
- All volunteers must check in and out of the office using the Raptor System and receive a visitor’s badge.
- Younger children are not allowed in the classroom during volunteer times.
- Older siblings, cousins, friends, etc. are not allowed to volunteer in classrooms.
- Volunteers must assist in a professional, orderly manner and must follow district policies and procedures. In the event where district policies are violated, volunteers will be asked to leave campus and will not be allowed to volunteer at Ann Parish Elementary.
Non-Instructional Items/Snacks
Non-Instructional Items/Snacks
Please only allow students to bring supplies listed on their school supply lists to school. Toys and other items are a distraction from instruction and should not be brought to school. Snacks should be brought in individual size bag for individual student and not to be shared.
Health Services
Health Services
A school nurse provides health services at Ann Parish Elementary. Health Office Personnel will contact parents as needed. In accordance with New Mexico Law, nurses or health assistants will NOT administer any kind of medication, including Tylenol, without a written order from the child’s doctor and parental consent. All medication must be in the original pharmacy container and properly labeled. The Los Lunas School Board Policy states that medication will be given only when it is necessary for a student to remain in school. This is for both prescription and non-prescription medication.
To further prevent the spread of any illnesses and to maximize the health and wellness of our children at APE, we advise parents to keep children at home if they have a temperature of 101.0 or above.
In the event of an infectious disease outbreak or community health crisis, Ann Parish Elementary will follow current CDC guidelines, regulations, recommendations and state health mandates to ensure the safety of all stakeholders.
Medical information is updated on a yearly basis. It is the parents’ responsibility to ensure their student’s information is current and notify the school nurse if changes occur.
Immunization Requirements
Immunization Requirements
Students are required to have the following immunizations:
- Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis
- Hepatitis B Series completed
- Poliomyelitis
- Varicella (chicken pox vaccine) (2 doses required Pre-K, K & 1st grade)
- 2 doses of MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella)
By law, immunization records must be on file indicating that students have been properly inoculated. Failure to submit their records or not up to date records is grounds for disenrollment until required immunization records are submitted.
All students enrolled in school must meet the New Mexico State Laws governing immunization against communicable diseases. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to make these records available to the school.
Vision and Hearing Screening
Counseling Services
Dress Code
Dress Code
Los Lunas Schools expect student dress and grooming to reflect high standards of personal conduct so that each student’s attire promotes a positive, safe and healthy atmosphere at school. Student dress may not present a health or safety hazard, or present a disruption to the educational environment.We believe that school dress codes are an important part of a disciplined environment for learning while promoting positive culture.
- Pants – Pants must be worn at or above the hips and not over-sized or under-sized. Pants may not be torn, ripped or shredded.
- Shirts – Shirts should be long enough to completely cover the midriff but not oversized. A minimum of 3” sleeveless shirts are acceptable, however, muscle shirts, spaghetti straps, low neckline, halters, tank tops or low armpit shirts are not allowed. Long shirts are to be tucked in not tied.
- Shorts/Dresses/Skirts – All shorts, dresses and skirts must be fingertip length or longer.
- Footwear – It is strongly recommended that students wear a full shoe or athletic shoe. For student safety, no flip flops, sandals, open toe, high heels (higher than 1”), or shoes with wheels will be allowed. On student P.E. days, students must wear appropriate shoes for P.E. class.
- Hats/Hoods – Hats/hoods are allowed if worn with the brim above the forehead and removed when entering the building.
- Hair – Unnatural hair color, extensions (blue, green, pink, purple, etc.) and haircuts (such as, but not limited to, mohawks, shaved hair, or long spiked hair) cannot be worn.
- No highly distracting or altered clothing.
- No clothing, jewelry, or tattoos displaying gang, drug or alcohol-related words, pictures or insignias, or profane, vulgar, sexually suggestive, or negative statements.
- Only ear piercing will be allowed. No facial or body piercings of any kind are allowed.
- Make-up is not allowed to be worn.
Response to Intervention
Response to Intervention
In New Mexico, schools use a three-tier approach to match students with an appropriate level of instruction and/or intervention. In Tier I, all students receive appropriate, standards-based instruction including any grade-level or school-wide interventions, as well as monitoring and screening for potential problems. Tier I interventions are provided in the general education classroom. Students who have not responded significantly to Tier I are referred to the school’s Student Assistance Team (SAT) and may receive an individual intervention plan at the Tier II level. This plan could include more intense instruction, individually or in a small group, and is provided in addition to the general education curriculum.
In Tier III, a student qualifies for special education services and receives specially-designed instruction and related services through an Individualized Education Program (IEP). In all tiers, a student is progress monitored to see if the instruction and/or interventions are effective and appropriate.
Student Assistance Team
Student Assistance Team
The Student Assistance Team (SAT) is a school-based group of people including a child's parents whose purpose is to provide additional support to students who are experiencing difficulties. Its mission is to work collaboratively to find appropriate solutions to issues in the school environment. Although the team may make referrals to Tier II and Tier III, SAT is not part of the special education process, but rather a general education responsibility.
Site Safety Procedures
Site Safety Procedures
By law, fire and emergency lock down drills must be conducted periodically. Drills are not to be taken lightly or thought of as a period of time away from the classroom. Each drill should be treated with the assumption that there is an actual hazard. Students should move quickly and quietly through the assigned exit or the nearest exit, and will not misbehave. Students will remain clear of the building and at a safe distance until the signal to return is given.
iPad, Textbooks, Library Books and other Equipment
iPad, Textbooks, Library Books and other Equipment
Textbooks are furnished at public expense to each student. Students are responsible for the proper care and return of these items. Students may check out library books from the library. A fine may be charged for any loss, destruction, or misuse of library books.
Students are issued iPads for instructional purposes. All students will be liable for any damage to these devices. More information on care or fines can be found in the district Technology Handbook. Final report cards will be withheld until fines are paid.
Lost and Found
Lost and Found
The school is not responsible for the loss of articles. All personal items should be labelled in order to facilitate the identification of the owner. All lost and found articles will be brought to the lost and found box located at the front of the school. Please check here for lost items.
Field Trips
Field Trips
Field trips are designed to enrich students’ learning. Students must have a written permission form signed by parent/guardian prior to leaving on the trip. Failure to return a signed permission form will result in the student’s inability to participate. Students must abide by all school rules during the schools’ sponsored field trip. Infractions of school rules will result in appropriate consequences.
Parents are encouraged to assist in supervising students when permitted by the field trip location. Parents are not allowed to ride the bus. Siblings, relatives, or friends of students are not allowed to attend the field trip. Students must ride the bus to and from the field trip. No transportation waivers will be allowed. Field trip payments are non-refundable. Students who receive discipline referrals may lose the privilege of participating in a field trip.
Ann Parish Elementary School participates in the National School Lunch and Breakfast Program. All students are able to receive the universal free breakfast and/or lunch program. Students are encouraged to eat breakfast and lunch. Children of this age cannot go without eating their midday meal. Therefore, students must eat in the cafeteria or bring a sack lunch.
Student Safety
Student Safety
Playground Norms- take turns when using playground equipment
- use equipment appropriately
- return equipment to its proper place
- respect school property
- play games correctly and follow the rules
- sit with your class and stay seated
- use inside voices at all times
- say thank you for your food
- clean up your area
- walk in a straight, quiet line
- use inside voices
- keep hands off walls and bulletin boards
Please note: classroom teachers will have additional classroom rules/norms.